Wedding Cake Alternatives

Let them eat cake.

What if your guests do not like cake?

Your wedding should be personalized and reflect the you both. This is the biggest party and celebration of your life; you do not have to be traditional. Let your hair down and think outside of the box if you do not like cake. Wow your guests by shares options of desserts you both love that represents you individually and as a couple.

There are so many beautiful and delectable alternatives when it comes to offering sweet at your reception.

Here are some alternatives to consider:

Skip the heavy icing and have let each slice be more cake than icing.

      Macaroon Wedding Cake Alternative    Naked Wedding Cake

Cake: Sugar Bakers 


Dessert Bars :

Mini desserts that will allow your guests to try a few different options.




Other Bars/ Stations









Whatever you choose for your wedding reception let it be a refection on your sweet love.



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